Surviving a Kitchen Remodel


Remodels can become very stressful business even with the best planning. However there are ways to reduce stress to a comfortable minimum. Surviving a kitchen remodel is as much about leaving the hard part to the professionals as it is about being clear and understanding from the start. Learn how to get what you want from a remodel while expecting the unexpected.

Be Clear From The StartEastmoor Columbus Kitchen Remodel

When you give clear and concise details upfront, surviving a kitchen remodel is much simpler. Communication plays a major role in things going smoothly. For the best results, your contractor should always know exactly what you’re looking for. Try to be clear about each details, including knobs and hardware, if these need to be specific. That way, the end result is what you expect or better. For instance, if you don’t like nickel finishes, this should be specified before the project begins so that the proper materials are used. The more detailed you are, the better.

Expect the Unexpected

The basic idea is to understand that things will happen during a remodel that could cause some unexpected twists and turns in the course of the project. Rather than focus on what could go wrong, focus on whatever progress is being made no matter how big or small. If something doesn’t go according to plan, it’s best to work with your professional kitchen contractor to sort out the solution quickly, rather than get upset over the details. Generally, these twists can occur due to hidden construction issues or miscommunication. Both the contractor and homeowner should remember that problems will get resolved quicker if everyone remains calm and works together on the resolution.

Understanding and Managing Delays

Managing delays is the most important part. They are a common part of remodeling and have to be accepted as such. Sometimes a special selection may take longer to order, which could delay the kitchen remodel. If it’s important enough to wait, don’t let it deter you from your dream look. The best way to handle something like this is to be prepared beforehand. By going into a remodeling project prepared for the worst, you will more readily be able to handle any changes. Usually the worst is avoided. But being prepared just in case will help you understand small delays and appreciate positive results.

Discuss Changes Quickly

If you decide to change the materials used in your kitchen remodel, inform your contractor as quickly as possible. This will help avoid unnecessary costs. One simple change in countertop or flooring can slow down the process and/or change the cost of your kitchen remodel. Therefore, changes should be made before things get underway, wherever possible. If you have a change of heart after things get started, express your concerns right away. That way, if a change does need to happen, it’s less likely to affect other materials in the process. For instance, changing the sink choice after the countertop is installed may require installing a new countertop as well, since sink measurements can vary significantly.